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    They’re inspirational quotes.
    Now compare that proverb to this famous aphorism.
    So what do you do.
    What am I referring to.
    Yup, you guessed it.
    That’s not what you expected, was it.
    Another memorable aphorism is, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
    Not only that, but you can use aphorisms in your writing to summarize your central theme.
    How do aphorisms differ from adages and proverbs.
    Now that we’ve covered the aphorism definition, are you ready for more examples.
    The original dictum said, A penny spar’d is twice got, but it’s adapted over the years for modern English.
    Moris7l*all Opportunities don’t happen.
    We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.
    Sometimes, though.
    Aphorisms state universal truths about life that encourage reflection.
    From there, you can build your story around it.

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